New Year’s Resolutions for the Homeowner

You may have already made – and broken – your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions but have you ever considered making them for your home?  Here are a few ideas for rejuvenating and renewing your home this year.
1.    Declutter – Enjoy your home more by being able to really see it. Get rid of the things you don’t need, especially if you haven’t used it in the last year.

2.    Save Money and Save Energy – Unplug appliances that aren’t being used and turn off lights when not in the room. Switch to LED light bulbs and low flow faucets.

3.    Stay Safe and Healthy – Change out your smoke detector batteries and air filters.  Consider investing in a air purification system or just some nice live plants.

4.    Update Your Look – Take advantage of new year home sales to freshen up your home with new rugs, curtains or bath towels. Small changes can make a big difference.

5.    Relax – Make a space where you can unwind. Your master bath, a nook in the bonus room or hideaway on the back porch. Find a place where you can enjoy your home and appreciate all the blessings of this new year.
What are your homeowner resolutions this year?


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