Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Home’s Environmental Footprint

These days we are much more aware of the impacts our lives can have on the environment now and for future generations.  Owning a home is no different.  There are small, inexpensive changes you can make to improve your home’s environmental impact and live healthier at the same time.  Read on to learn more.
1.     Reduce waste.  Bring your own bags to the grocery store instead of collecting hundreds of plastic ones.  Buy reusable water bottles and go paperless when possible.
2.     Unplug appliances when they are not in use. Turn off lights when not in the room.
3.     Replace your shower head with a water saving option.
4.     As your traditional light bulbs need to be replaced, change them with CFLs or LEDs
5.     Use non-toxic cleaning products and sprays.
6.     Grown your own vegetables and herbs. Start a compost pile.
7.     Install a smart thermostat to save on energy use and cost.
8.     Decorate with air purifying house plants. Examples include: English Ivy, Chrysanthemums and Aloe Vera.
9.     Start recycling with help from your local waste disposal service.
10.  Help your home run more efficiently by replacing your air filters and keeping your appliances clean and running properly. Vacuum the coils of your refrigerator.
What do you do to keep your home running efficiently and environmentally friendly?


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